Membership fees for 2018 have now been confirmed by our national and regional governing bodies. Swim England affiliation fees are Category 1 £9.10, Category 2 £26.40 and Category 3 £5.20. Affiliation fees for the Swim England South West Region have been set as Category 1 £2.90, Category 2 £3.65, Category 3 £2.00 and with an additional club fee of £80. The annual affiliation fee for Dorset County ASA is a flat rate of £3.00 across all categories. The membership fee year is 1 January (payable by 31 March) to 31 December, and currently new members joining clubs between 1 September and 31 December will be charged the full annual affiliation fee by Swim England for that period. The Swim England South West Region and Dorset County ASA have again elected not to impose any affiliation fee for new members joining clubs during that period.