Dorset County ASA has signed up to the pilot scheme of the England Programmes Pathway initiative which aims to provide a consistent nation-wide programme for the development of swimmers, coaches and team managers together with education opportunities for parents. The County Pathway project replaces the County’s current Talent ID scheme, which has been in place for seven years, and will focus on the development of the 11 years age group and club-level skills coaching.
The programme will include three one-day camps held in-County, co-ordinated by a County Lead and supported by a Lead Coach, four to six skills coaches, and a Lead and Assistant Team Manager. England Programmes will appoint coaches and team managers in conjunction with County Associations. For the 2017 Dorset Programme, County Lead is Di Gibbs and Barry Alldrick has been appointed Lead Coach.
Application forms requesting expressions of interest in Skills Coach and Team Manager posts have been circulated to all clubs via Club Secretaries and Head Coaches. Closing date for applications are 6 January for Lead Team Manager and 10 February for Skills Coaches and Assistant Team Manager.
A total of 24-36 swimmers will be selected using short-course ASA Rankings from 1 September 2016 to 26 February 2017 inclusive for each County Championship event for the 11 years age group (age as at 31 December). Swimmers will be selected for the programme in the week immediately following the end of 2017 County Championships and notified by 10 March 2017. Proposed camp dates in 2017 are Sunday 2 April, Sunday 25 June and Sunday 1 October.
A meeting to provide further information on the programme is to be held for parents of 11 years olds at this year’s County Championships during the second warm-up of the day on Sunday 19 February in the cricket pavilion at Littledown.