
Dorset County ASA policy on funding applications is as follows:
County Association funding shall be for the benefit of, and for activities solely accessed by, members of clubs affiliated to the County Association.
It is DCASA policy to fund development activities not individuals, clubs or other organisations.
Development activities not run by DCASA may be considered for funding if open to and accessed by all/most County clubs and could not be supplied by DCASA for the same cost or less.
DCASA policy is to support volunteer teaching and coaching activities and not fund development activities where the coaches are paid over and above the normal remuneration from their clubs.
DCASA will refund mileage for coaches providing services at DCASA development activities where applicable and provided reimbursement has been agreed in advance.
Funding applications from individuals may be considered provided that application is for first selection by GB/England only. Application must be made in writing to the County Secretary with full details disclosed for consideration.
Funding is not available to attend open meets, training camps or other training activities.
Funding is not available for activities that are deemed to be the responsibility of the club to provide.
In cases of hardship individuals seeking funding should in the first instance apply to the home club.
For full details of funding policy refer to the DCASA Policy & Operating Procedure document on the County website. Note bursaries will not be awarded to paid coaches or to double-fund volunteers receiving support from other sources. Funding from the applicant’s own club must be declared, and clubs found not declaring additional funding will not be eligible to apply for funding thereafter.
Swim England South West Bursary

The Swim England South West Bursary is as follows:
Open to active volunteers in SwimMark accredited affiliated clubs for funding towards an IoS/UKCC course for teachers and coaches of any aquatic discipline under the jurisdiction of Swim England.
Bursaries are discretionary and there is a limited amount available for funding, therefore not all applicants will be successful. The volunteering practice of the applicant will be taken into consideration.
The total number of applications from a single club in a financial year (January-December) is limited to three.
Retrospective applications made after the course has been completed will only be considered if the course took place in the same financial year as the bursary application is made.
Application must be made via Dorset County ASA and not direct to Swim England South West.
Bursaries will only be paid on receipt of proof that the applicant has successfully completed the course by submission of the awarded certificate, and will only be paid direct to the applicant’s club.
Funding is a maximum of £100 for a Level 1 Teachers/Assistant Swimming Coach course, £200 for a Level 2 Teachers/Swimming Coach course and £400 for a Club Coach course (subject to satisfying DCASA conditions for the award). Applicants typically receive £50 for a Level 1/Assistant Swimming Coach course, £100 for a Level 2/Swimming Coach course and £200 for a Club Coach course, which is then match-funded by Dorset County ASA. Funding for a discounted closed course may be considered and will be pro rata to the cost of the undiscounted course. Funding is not available for STA courses.
Dorset County ASA Bursary

The Dorset County Bursary is as follows:
Open to active volunteers in clubs affiliated to Dorset County ASA for IoS/UKCC courses for teachers and coaches of any aquatic discipline under the jurisdiction of Swim England and the direct equivalent STA teaching courses.
Bursaries are discretionary and there is a limited amount available for funding, therefore not all applicants will be successful. The volunteering practice of the applicant will be taken into consideration.
The total number of applications from a single club in a financial year (January-December) is limited to three, however additional bursaries may be awarded at the discretion of DCASA in exceptional circumstances and by the agreement of DCASA.
Retrospective applications made after the course has been completed will only be considered if the course took place in the same financial year as the bursary application is made.
Bursaries will only be paid on receipt of proof that the applicant has successfully completed the course by submission of the awarded certificate, and will only be paid direct to the applicant’s club.

Funding for IoS/UKCC courses is a maximum of £50 for a Level 1 Teachers/Assistant Swimming Coach course, £100 for a Level 2 Teachers/Swimming Coach course and £200 for a Club Coach course undertaken by a volunteer coach where the home club has also supported the application with funding. Funding for STA Award/Certificate courses is pro rata to the equivalent IoS/UKCC Level 1/2 course. Funding for a discounted closed course may be considered and will be pro rata to the cost of the undiscounted course.
Funding for other relevant skills based courses will be considered on an individual basis. |
CPD Courses
The Safeguarding & Protecting Children course and Time to Listen workshop for Club Welfare Officers are currently available free of charge online via Swim England South West. Funding is not available for any other CPD courses, first aid courses, lifeguard training etc. |
Dorset Officials

The cost of relicensing for a qualified and licensed Swimming official who is a member of a club affiliated to Dorset County ASA will be paid by the County for volunteers who officiate at County competitions on a regular basis. Funding is available for Open Water Officials Level 1 and Level 2 training courses once the applicant has successfully completed the introductory classroom and practical session.