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Swim England: Advice and guidance regarding novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

March 11, 2020   By

Swim England has issued the following advice regarding novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

The health and well-being of anyone who takes part in any aquatic activity is of paramount importance to everyone at Swim England. Swim England is currently following the latest guidance from the Government and Public Health England and is advising its members, clubs, learn to swim providers and volunteers to do the same. At this time, Swim England is continuing to plan for events as normal.

However, the national governing body will be following the latest information and assessing risk as appropriate. Specific guidance regarding forthcoming Swim England events will be issued as necessary to those who are due to attend.

Due to the ongoing spread of novel coronavirus, there have been a number of calls to Swim England about whether it is safe to still go swimming. The Pool Water Treatment and Advisory Group (PWTAG) has been in contact with Public Health England regarding novel coronavirus. A spokesperson for PWTAG said: “Public health opinion is that it is generally safe to go swimming at this time. “Water and the chlorine within swimming pools will help to kill the virus.  “However, visitors to swimming pools are reminded to shower before using the pool, to shower on leaving the pool and to follow the necessary hygiene precautions when visiting public places to help reduce the risk of infection.” These include washing your hands for at least 20 seconds, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze and do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean. Most importantly, if you feel unwell, please avoid using the pool.

This announcement is not intended to panic anyone and Swim England is sharing the above information to ensure all possible precautions are taken.

Issued 10 March 2020

Dorset County Championships 2020

January 10, 2020   By

Dorset County Championships 2020  

County President: Les Jessop
Visiting President: Ian Mackenzie, Swim England (1 February 2020)

Visiting President: Mike Coles, Swim England South West Region (19 January 2020)

Visiting President: Roger Bossom, Devon County ASA (1 February 2020)


LITTLEDOWN on Saturday & Sunday 18-19 January 2020 [SW200143]
DORCHESTER on Sunday 26 January 2020 [SW200144]
LITTLEDOWN on Saturday & Sunday 1-2 February 20-20 [SW200145]
DORCHESTER on Sunday 9 February 2020 [SW200146]



Timetables & Programmes

Day 1: Saturday 18 January  Timetable 18 Jan  Programme 18 Jan

Day 2:  Sunday 19 January  Timetable 19 Jan  Programme 19 Jan

Day 3: Sunday 26 January    Timetable & Programme 26 Jan

Day 4: Saturday 1 February  Timetable 1 Feb  Programme 1 Feb

Day 5: Sunday 2 February  Timetable 2 Feb  Programme 2 Feb

Day 6: Sunday 9 February  Timetable & Programme 9 Feb

General Information

Championships CBTs  – Male Senior & Junior  – Female Senior & Junior  – Male Age Groups  – Female Age Groups

Awards & Presentations

Finals & Withdrawals

Held under Swim England Laws and Regulations and Swim England Technical Rules of Racing
This event is an integrated competition and licensed by Swim England for entry to National, Regional and County Championships and L1/L2 Meets

Masters Development Day 2020 announced

November 24, 2019   By

A Masters Development Day is to be held on Sunday 26 January 2020 at the University of Bath. The day will offer two pool sessions lead by David Hill, Paralympic Swimmer and ParaTriathlete, as well as presentations on a range of subjects. Presentations include “Ready to race? Overcoming barriers and getting in the zone” from Sports Psychologist Dr Karen Howells, “Back on Track” from Jane Asher BEM, Masters Multi World Record Holder, “The Value of Swimming” from Sharon Lock, Swim England National Masters & Open Water Officer and “The Benefits of a Healthy Gut” from Nutritional Therapist Liz James. In addition there will be a yoga/stretching class and a Q & A session.

Cost for the day is £28 per person and places are limited to 36, allocated on a first-come first-served basis. Application forms are available from the Swim England South West office – telephone 01823 666792 or email swimsouthwest@swimming.org.

Swim England launch “Stronger Affiliation” initiative

October 22, 2019   By

Swim England is introducing new guidelines for its affiliated clubs in a bid to show the highest standards of safe and effective practice are in place. The Stronger Affiliation process is being introduced for both new and existing clubs. Other sports, including football and tennis, have also introduced similar schemes.

More than half of Swim England’s 1,045 affiliated clubs are SwimMark accredited, which is the quality standard for affiliated clubs set by the national governing body. From January 2021 those clubs that do not currently hold SwimMark accreditation will now have to provide six pieces of evidence to remain affiliated to Swim England. The focus areas will comprise club constitution, risk assessments, club personnel records,  safeguarding certificates as well as compliance statements from the chairperson and welfare officer. Clubs can then submit additional evidence to become fully SwimMark accredited.

All clubs that currently hold SwimMark accreditation will not have to complete these new guidelines, which are already included as part of the SwimMark process, but will need to ensure accredited status is maintained otherwise the new guidelines will apply.

Jon Keating, Swim England Club Development Director, said: “As the national governing body, we must implement measures to ensure the safety of our members. We want to ensure that all Swim England clubs are fit for purpose and provide a safe environment”.

All non SwimMark clubs, both new and existing, will be able to submit evidence for Stronger Affiliation from 1 June 2020 and all evidence will need to be checked and approved by Swim England by 1 December 2020 in order to coincide with annual renewals. Failure to submit the required evidence will result in temporary or permanent suspension of that club from Swim England.

Anyone with any questions concerning the Stronger Affiliation process should refer to the FAQs document or, if they require further information, email clubdevelopment@swimming.org in the first instance.