A Level 1 Team Managers Course with tutors Emily Taylor and Sam Woodward is scheduled for Thursday 22 October (18.45-21.15) at the Dorford Centre, Dorchester DT1 1RR. The course is funded by Dorset County ASA and all resources will be provided.
Team Manager training is designed to ensure any volunteers who are taking groups of athletes to competition or camps, locally or abroad, are fully equipped to do their role. This training will ensure that volunteers have all the necessary skills and knowledge to do this with confidence. Team Manager training is ideal for those who are already doing the role of a Team Manager or who are considering taking on the role. There are no pre-requisites for the workshop but the minimum age for attendance is 16 years, although it should be noted that an individual cannot take the role of a Team Manager fully until they turn 18.
The Level 1 course is designed as an introduction to team managing at a club/local level. It is intended to be a basic and informative workshop to give participants the confidence and knowledge to effectively manage a team at a local level. Level 2 training is designed for Team Managers who have attended the ASA Team Manager Training – Module 1 and have gained some experience in team managing at a local level, at overnight stays or travel abroad.
For further information refer to the Good Team Manager Guide on the ASA website at http://www.swimming.org/assets/uploads/library/good_club_guide_plain_version_Team_manager.pdf and information on the Team Managers course at http://www.swimming.org/asa/volunteering/team-manager-training/.
To reserve a place on the course on 22 October, contact the County Secretary at digibbs@talktalk.net.