The Dorset County ASA Young Volunteers Programme is for 14–25 year olds seeking to develop leadership, communication and organisational skills and who wish to become involved in the administration, teaching, coaching or general official duties of aquatic activity. If that is you, then it’s for you.
The 2015-2016 Young Volunteers Programme will include two Workshops covering a range of modules including Team Managers for those 16 and over, Club Timekeepers progressing to Judge 1 for those old enough to do so, as well as the Young Aquatic Organiser Award, which will encourage and enable our YVs to organise and run their own aquatic event. YVs are also required to provide 25 hours of volunteering within their own club and at various County events.
Workshops are held at Canford Sports Centre and are scheduled for 15 November 2015 and 13 March 2016. A presentation of awards for those YVs who have successfully completed the 2015-2016 Programme will be held at the Dorset Development Competition in July 2016.
Anyone interested in taking part in the forthcoming programme should apply via their club to the County Secretary.